Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Rambling Update

Well, after my last rant about my complete failure in life to be around Christian guys and not wonder if this one or this one or this one could possibly be my Prince Charming, I figured it would be best to give a quick update. Surprisingly or maybe not surprisingly, I got a HUGE reality check on the first night of the conference. I think my biggest problem is that I ASSUME that if a guy is at something like Passion, he must be a Godly man who is as passionate about living for Christ as I am, BUT I found this to be untrue. As we were walking up to Georgia Dome, we were surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of people, yet I picked up on a situation happening with some guys (note: I was probably the only person who people watches enough to even catch a moment like this). It was a sobering moment. It hit me straight in the face. Within minutes of being there, God had opened my eyes and reminded me that focusing on Him was the most important thing. After this short moment, I had no desire to jump to conclusions and go back to my assuming that every guy is a potential prince. PRAISE GOD!

God is good. God is amazing. God is awesome. God is great. God is wonderful. God is [insert any other possible adjective here]. I mean, seriously. I had no idea what was in store for me at this Passion conference. For so many years, I have wondered what Passion is all about, and I found out. It is ALL about GOD and how great He is. I learned so much, and God really convicted me of some things in my life. Let's just say to sum up my week at Passion ... WOW! That's it.

School has officially started, and despite my initial goals of getting a head start so as to prevent procrastination-induced stress, that's a negative. I've spent the whole weekend being largely unproductive; however, I have successfully planned a rockin' workshop for the Hearin High School Conference this next weekend. Let's just say I'm gonna give Curtis Zimmerman(the paid speaker) a run for his money with my Leadership world of Harry Potter and FREE butterbeer. I know I'm the coolest, right? haha.

On to my single adventures, I am ridiculously PUMPED for Valentine's Day ... Why, you ask? NOT because of some boy (although I would've settled for that too), but because that is the day that the live song video of How Great is Our God: World Edition will be dropping into my all-access account from Passion. I didn't mention this above, but that was probably the #1 highlight of Passion for me. I CAN'T WAIT! Not to mention that I am so blessed with the greatest love story of all. I don't know if you've heard of him or met him, but get this ... He sacrificed His life for me. He reminds me every day how much He loves me through little things like flowers, blue skies, and raindrops. He tells me how beautiful I am and that I was created in the image of God. He is a Prince whose father is the KING OF KINGS. He loves me at my worst and my best. He loves when I succeed and when I fail. He loves me when I cry and when I smile. His name is Jesus and guess what? the same goes for you. Go back and read all of those again, but every time you see you, me, or I, insert your name there, because we all have the same love story. What a wonderful thing.

Learning to love,

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