Thursday, September 11, 2014

I'm A Runner

I wish I was talking about the physical activity of running. Because goodness knows I wish I was good at that versus the running I'm referring to. 

Nope, I mean running from God. I'm a runner. I see God do these amazing things and work in crazy awesome ways. And then I get scared. I take my eyes off of Him. And I run. Not necessarily fast running. More like a turtle pace which is really my actual real life running pace. Turtle speed. But none the less I run. 

And here is where Hosea comes in. This book of the Bible is brutal. I started out reading each chapter judging God's people in thier God-doubting, idol-worshipping, back-sliding ways. I thought I was above that. At the end of each chapter, I felt the overwhelming conviction that my name could just as easily be read in place of Ephraim and so on. I doubt. I have idols. I have tried to run. 

Why did I run? I was scared. Scared of what God may have me do next. Coming off a season of such huge growth in my relationship with the Lord and such intense clarity and direction, I took that leap of faith. I followed God on this unexpected journey down to NOLA. I was obedient, so I can coast for a little while, right? Never. Before I knew it, I was doing the expected. Only what is expected of me. I was/am doing the bare minimum. Which led me into a state of fear. What if God asks me to do something else frightening? What if I can't do it? What if it's hard? 

So, I ran. 

But the beauty is in the return. 

I'm done running. It's not worth it. 

I want to return and run with endurance the race set out before me. 

I'm a runner. 

But it's time to run in the direction of my God. The only running I'm gonna be doing is closer to Jesus. 


This blog post is a part of #SheSharesTruth with 
Check out other blog posts about Hosea and what the other women in the SRT community learned through this study here


  1. Jenna, I love this! (I am a runner too, and this is the ONLY context in which I can say that ;) ) I'm so glad we are in this together!

    xoxo-Kaitlin for She Reads Truth

  2. Thank you for those encouraging words.... I feel the same way- when I think I can handle life by myself I run from God but when life throws me a curve ball so to speak, I run back to God screaming His name.....
