Friday, October 24, 2014

Doing Some Backtracking

I feel like it is necessary for me to do some backtracking especially considering the over abundance of blog posts this month. When you are getting an everyday glimpse into my life, you may get some wrong impressions of my life. Maybe I haven't done a very good job of being clear about some things.

#1. I am not depressed. Not by any means. Sure I have my low moments, but I am far from depressed. I just want people to know that I struggle just like everyone else. I want people to know that despite my relationship with God, I have genuine/real problems. Choosing Christ is not a get out of hard times free card. From my experience, God has taught me so much from being real and honest about my life versus being fake and covering up my hurts and problems.

#2. I am not miserable. Not even close. I have really hard moments when things do seem bleak, but those moments are truly few and far between. I am occasionally overwhelmed with the stresses of life, but I live a very full and happy life.

#3. I am not crazy. I mean maybe I kind of am. But I am a radical follower of Jesus just not psychotic. I hope I haven't given that vibe ... although I do have my oddities.

Okay, I think that about covers it. My overall goal of each post is to bring it back around to Jesus despite the struggle. I struggle. I hurt. I have problems. I get sad. I cry.

BUT I have Jesus. I have joy. I have hope. I have peace. I have love. I have laughter. I have friends. I have family. I have an amazing life. I have contentment.

Even when things get hard. Even when I struggle. Even when I am painfully honest on here, I wear a smile on my face. Why? Because I have Jesus.

That's that. I have Jesus.

{Enter contentment}

{This series is a part of a writing challenge given by the nester, Myquillyn Smith, to write for 31 Days. You can check the write31days website out here and enjoy hundreds of other bloggers joining together for this challenge. My posts are a part of my personal topic choice of 31 Days of Contentment, and you can find the link for the entire series here.}

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